Value my tractor

If you're thinking about selling your tractor and not sure what it's worth, here's a tool that may help.

We're testing a new feature to help value your tractor based on its operating hours.

This tool is currently in beta and we would like your feedback on whether it is something that would be useful to you and if we should continue developing it.

Tractor valuation tool

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Value my tractor beta

Our price research tools provides you with a guide on second hand tractor prices based on machines advertised on Farmers Weekly Classified. If you are buying or selling, this will save you time trawling through lots of adverts.

We have developed this tool to help you value your tractor, based on the thousands of adverts posted on Farmers Weekly Classifieds. This feature is in the testing phase and we'd like to get your feedback on its usefulness to you and how we could improve it.

  • Help you make a more informed decision
  • Compare against current classified ads
  • Instant valuation on most popular models

Tractor reviews and tests

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Driver’s view: Shropshire farm rates Massey Ferguson 7S.210

The 7S.210 might be the smallest tractor in G&J Belcher and Sons’ all-Massey fleet at Puleston Farm in Newport, Shropshire, but this compact powerhouse has still had to tackle the…


Video: Claas Arion 550 Cebis Cmatic on test

The Claas Arion 550 Cebis Cmatic's modest proportions and respectable power make it a handy all-rounder. After testing it, we think it’s better suited to drilling and top work than…


First Drive – Massey Ferguson 7618

You can make the 7618 as complicated (or not) as you like. We’d probably opt for the changeable ratios of the Dyna-6 box.   Modern powershifts are clever enough so…


On test: Claas Arion 440 CIS

The Claas is all geared up for loader work, with brilliant views through the roof window, a clever speed steering system and clutch-pedal-free braking. However, it was short of power…


110hp tractor test: Zetor Forterra HSX 110

Power Farming Verdict: 3.1/5 In many ways the Czech’s spec is generous – there’s four pto speeds and automatic powershifts – and it’s also pretty manoeuvrable. But the cab remains…


Video: Fendt Vario 516 on test

The Fendt Vario's 516’s four-cylinder Deutz engine might be low on displacement, but it conjures up an impressive amount of power and torque from its 4-litre capacity. It can’t quite…


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