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Case studies

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Why a Durham beef finisher is adding Wagyu places

A Durham farming family is erecting a new shed to expand its Wagyu-cross beef enterprise by 30%. The Medd family hopes to lift cattle capacity to about 650 head by…


Why simple herbal ley mix benefits Durham mixed farm

Government clarification that growing one herb, one legume, and one grass together qualifies as a herbal ley under the Sustainable Farming Incentive is grist to the mill of a County…


Why portable milkers can ease stress at calving

Using a portable milking machine in the calving pen is the easiest and fastest way to harvest a cow’s first colostrum and avoid having to move a newly calved cow.…


High-selenium diet helps to boost heifer fertility

A high-selenium cattle diet and focus on optimum pelvic area is helping Aberdeenshire farmers Craig and Claire Grant rear high-quality beef breeding heifers with an average conception rate of 99.9%.…


How beef finisher has grown tenfold in a decade

Adaptability and a talent for improving growing cattle has seen a beef finishing unit expand rapidly after acquiring a second farm and embarking on a shed-building programme.  Ten years ago,…


How Angus-crosses beat Blues by £200 for integrated graziers

Costings for a Flintshire farm show native-cross cattle are beating continentals by finishing earlier and requiring less concentrate feed. David and Mat Roberts are hoping to finish Angus-crosses exclusively after…

Practical advice

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5 early-life heifer nutrition tips to drive milk production

Following basic principles of good colostrum management and feeding elevated levels of milk could pay dividends for herd performance. Dairy heifers fed the correct amount of good-quality colostrum at the…


7 lessons learned outwintering in soaking conditions

Winter growth rates struggled on many outwintering systems this year, and the cattle at Castletown Estates, near Carlisle, were no exception. Ruari Martin, farm and estate director, told the Beef…


Advice on grazing management for dairy heifers

Well-managed rotational grazing for dairy replacements can produce cost-effective growth and train calves to become effective grazers. However, it is important to recognise the limitations in their first grazing year.…


4 ways to achieve a low feed conversion ratio in broilers

Effective hygiene is the first step to ensure broilers convert their feed efficiently into weight gain. Without this, it is likely to be an uphill struggle to maintain their health,…


Advice on free-range layer rations, stage by stage

From early chick development to transition into laying, feeding birds the correct nutrition at every stage will help achieve the best possible performance and egg quality. Attention to detail is…


6 things to watch out for in wet spring maize campaign

Maize growers should be prepared to address soil compaction and drill later if required after a record-breaking period of rainfall. The wettest 18-month period across England in recorded history could…


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16 ways to improve suckler herd profitability

British beef farmers can check their management practices against a list of tried and tested ways to make their suckler herds more profitable and productive. A joint levy board initiative…


Bacterial inoculant boosts milk yield 1.9kg/day, study shows

Inoculating silage increases available dry matter, improves aerobic stability, and increases milk yields, according to the findings of a new trial. The independent trial was carried out at Reading University’s…


Excess copper found to impair liver function in heifers

Feeding excess copper to dairy heifer calves can compromise liver function, leading to poorer fertility and lower milk yields in first lactation. This is according to AHDB-funded research at Harper…


Are milk fever and negative energy balance under control?

Milk fever and negative energy balance are issues for many dairy herds, despite most dairy farmers recognising the importance of the dry period to cow health and productivity. According to…


How early life calf nutrition affects long-term metabolism

Researchers are discovering more about early life programming and how critical this is for adulthood, according to Trouw Nutrition’s Dr Leonel Leal. This starts with colostrum, but also includes feeding…


Why diverse forage mixtures could improve outwintering

Findings from a recent trial in Devon have concluded that outwintering cattle on a diverse mix of forages can help improve both animal and soil health, while also benefiting the…


How home-grown forages could make dairy protein more green

Making better use of home-grown forages could help eliminate the overfeeding of costly dietary protein in dairy cow diets and, in turn, reduce associated emissions, according to Liam Sinclair, professor…


How multispecies swards can improve production efficiency

Grassland in the UK has traditionally been dominated by ryegrass. While ryegrass provides high yields of good-quality forage, it is dependent on applications of now-expensive nitrogen fertiliser and is susceptible…


Maize-bean cropping tipped to see huge growth in Germany

More German growers are companion-cropping maize with beans to address astronomical ammonium nitrate and protein costs, saying the dry matter and protein performance of the resulting silage outweighs the energy…


High-yielding herds top efficiency stakes

High-yielding dairy herds are more feed-efficient than low-yielding herds, but improvements must be made in cow fertility and longevity to lower methane emissions. A study of 21 farms across five…


Why keeping ewes in good condition can help save on wormers

Keeping ewes at a good body condition score (BCS) in the weeks before and after lambing minimises worming requirements at a key point in the year, a new Welsh study…


Maize silage should feed well despite drought, analysis shows

Analysis of nearly 700 samples of maize silage suggest it should feed well this winter and complement this year’s grass silages. This is according to Liz Homer, ruminant technical development…

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